BBB Serving Central East Texas
Serving Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Franklin, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Morris, Panola, Rains, Red River, Rusk, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood counties
Contact Us
Tyler, TX 75703-6368
ph: | (903) 581-5704 |
fax: | (903) 534-8644 |
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday
English, Spanish, Norwegian, Limited Tagalog
About Us
The Better Business Bureau® serving Central East Texas is a non-profit organization serving 19 counties in East Texas. We are committed to helping businesses and consumers foster a marketplace of trust. We support our military, assist our seniors, empower our youth, and hold businesses to higher standards. BBB is committed to helping consumers find businesses they can trust. Your continued support helps us have the ability to provide more public outreach and scam awareness, conduct investigations into unethical business behaviors, and continue dispute resolution efforts.
![BBB: Start with Trust®](/corecmsimages/8127d045-ffff-4ee9-b3e8-9eebf2e1dca0.jpg)
Upcoming Events
Free shredding event in Carthage on March 1!
The BBB will be hosting a BBB Shred Day event on Saturday, March 1 at the Panola County Chamber of Commerce (300 W Panola St, Carthage) from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Battle of the Businesses virtual trivia contest!
Battle of the Businesses virtual trivia contest!
Free shredding event in Tyler on April 26!
The BBB will be hosting a BBB Shred Day event on Saturday, April 26 at the Better Business Bureau offices (6115 New Copeland Rd, Tyler) from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Programs and Services
Promote your business with BBB!
Take advantage of the power of BBB to give your business maximum exposure.
Looking for a job?
East Texas is hiring! Browse positions available with our Accredited Businesses ranging from field services to on-site office work.
BBB Awards for Excellence
Explore our awards program that recognizes businesses and charities who go above and beyond in our community.
Request a quote
Receive quotes from BBB Accredited Businesses in your area. It's fast & free!
Accredited Business directory
View BBB Accredited Businesses in the online directory.
BBB Scam Tracker
Spot a business or offer that sounds like an illegal scheme or fraud? Tell us about it. Help us investigate and warn others by reporting what you know.
Get consumer help
Rely on BBB to help you make informed buying decisions and turn to BBB for help when you need it.
Business resources
Read about the helpful information and programs BBB provides for your business.
Military line
This program encourages the military consumer to use BBB consumer education materials, business reviews, and dispute resolution services.
Giving wisely
The BBB Wise Giving Alliance helps donors make informed giving decisions and promotes high standards of conduct among organizations that solicit contributions from the public.
In the news
Stay up to date on all the important news, alerts and breaking stories in the world of business via the Better Business Bureau.
BBB blog
Read local consumer news and alerts for the East Texas area.
Get to know your East Texas BBB
Read more about your local BBB, our staff, volunteers and events!
Submit a review
How was your experience? Let businesses know how they're doing. Your feedback helps businesses be better and shows consumers who they can trust.