BBB Serving Connecticut
BBB helps people find businesses and charities they can trust.
Contact Us
Cromwell, CT 06416
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M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
M-F 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
About Us
The Better Business Bureau has empowered people to find businesses, brands, and charities they can trust for more than 110 years. In 2023, people turned to BBB more than 218 million times for BBB Business Profiles on 5.3 million businesses, and 80,000 times for BBB charity reports on about 12,000 charities, for free at The International Association of Better Business Bureaus is the umbrella organization for the local, independent BBBs in the United States and Canada. BBB Serving Connecticut was founded in 1928 and serves businesses, consumers and organizations throughout the state.
![BBB: Start with Trust®](/corecmsimages/a5cded3b-b33a-41a9-9fa9-1f1dced5779e.jpg)
Programs and Services
For Businesses
Resources for businesses in Connecticut.
For Consumers
Resources for consumers in Connecticut.
BBB Scam Tracker
Spot a business or offer that sounds like an illegal scheme or fraud? Tell us about it. Help us investigate and warn others by reporting what you know.
BBB Foundation of Connecticut
Through BBB Foundation of Connecticut, your BBB strives to build a stronger Connecticut for all.
Have you encountered a business with problematic marketplace practices that may mislead or deceive consumers? Let our Investigations Team know about it so we can keep our marketplace fair and honest.
Advertising Review Services
Advertising self-regulation has been part of the mission of Better Business Bureau system since its founding in 1912.
Coalition for Elder Justice
This resource page is a Connecticut-specific navigation tool for seniors and caregivers to find help in the event of consumer fraud.
BBB Military & Veterans Initiative
Through BBB's Military & Veterans Initiative consumer education program and our web-based and mobile technology endeavors, we work to bring financial literacy to a most deserving segment of our population.
Public Education Presentations
See all the various public education presentations offered by your BBB Serving Connecticut.