Business Profile
TalbotsThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Clothing.
Important information
- Additional Info:BBB has requested basic information for this company but has not received a response. As a result, BBB may not have current information about the company.
Own this business?Years in Business: 78
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Talbots is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?BBB Rating
A+Reasons for rating
- Customer Reviews are not used in the calculation of the BBB Letter Grade Rating.
About This Business
Talbots is a leading specialty retailer and direct marketer of women’s classic clothing, shoes and accessories. Talbots offers an array of timeless wardrobe options to flatter women of all shapes and sizes.
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB Cincinnati
- BBB File Opened:
- 1/16/2010
- Business Started:
- 1/1/1947
- Business Incorporated:
- 10/23/1988
- Type of Entity:
- Corporation
- Number of Employees:
- 11600
Additional Contact Information
- Additional Phone Numbers
- Other Phone: (513) 321-9090
- Other Phone: (513) 336-9011
- Other Phone: (859) 344-8890
- Other Phone: (800) 225-8204
Additional Information
- Refund and Exchange Policy
- The business states:
If for any reason you are not happy with your Talbots or Haven Well Within purchase, we will accept returns and exchanges of ticketed, unworn, unwashed, or defective merchandise, and unopened, unused products such as fragrance, candles, etc. with a valid receipt within 60 days of purchase. Merchandise purchased as Final Sale cannot be returned or exchanged.
Talbots Retail stores & our Distribution Center (returns by mail) can only accept returns of merchandise purchased from Talbots Retail stores, online, or phone orders.
Talbots Outlet stores can only accept returns of merchandise purchased from Talbots Outlet stores.
Returns or exchanges made within 60 days will be credited to the original selling price (minus any credits received), to your original form of payment, unless a merchandise credit is preferred. If the original form of payment was a gift card or the merchandise being returned was received as a gift, the method of refund will be a merchandise credit. If your original form of payment was cash or a check, a corporate check may be issued within 7-10 business days, unless a merchandise credit is preferred.
Merchandise credits have many benefits: they never expire, our associates (in our stores and ordering through our catalog) will be able to look up your balance, and your balance will be printed on your store receipt or is viewable at check-out on Merchandise credits are unable to be used to purchase Talbots and Haven Well Within Gift Cards.
If you do not have a receipt and/ or we are unable to locate a record of your purchase, but the merchandise is still ticketed and returned within 60 days as indicated above, a merchandise credit may be issued for the current selling price, including all applicable discounts and promotions. Valid Government-Issued identification is required for returns and exchanges made without a receipt.
Talbots and Haven Well Within Gift Cards are for merchandise purchases only and are unable to be used to purchase other Talbots or Haven Well Within Gift Cards. Gift Cards can be redeemed at any Talbots store, online at, or by calling 1.800.825.2687. Gift Cards do not have an expiration date, are not returnable, in whole or in part, and cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash or check (except as required by law), or used as a credit for payment of a Talbots Credit Card.
Returns and exchanges are subject to our return policy [link].
To Make a Return:
Fill out the Return Form enclosed with your package or include your original store receipt.
On the Return Form, please enter the return reason code in the space provided to the left of each item returned.
For safety reasons, please ensure there are no pins/staples left on any merchandise or in your return package.
Please enclose the Return Form with your return in a securely wrapped package.
Attach the prepaid return label that came with your order to the package. Please note that a shipping and handling fee of $8.95 will be deducted from your refund. Need a label? Click here to print one.
Give it to your postal carrier or ship it USPS. The pre-paid shipping label can be used only on packages returned from a U.S. address. You are not required to use the pre-paid label. You may label the package yourself and ship it, pre-paid and insured, using the shipping provider of your choice to:
1901 East State Road 240
Greencastle, IN 46135-7825
Please include the Return Form enclosed with your package (noting reason for return on the back), or your original store receipt. Please allow up to two billing cycles for refunds to appear on your credit card statement. Original shipping and handling fees are non-refundable." - Program Participation
- BBB Community Patrons
BBB Community Patrons are like-minded businesses that see ethics as the key factor in creating a stronger, healthier business community.
BBB Community Patrons' additional financial support enables BBB to pursue distinctive, mission-based programs focused on ethics that would not be possible if not for the generous backing from BBB Community Patron Sponsors. - Business Categories
- Clothing, Internet Services