Business Profile
Online Publications
Dudley Media Group, LLCFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Online Publications.
Important information
- Additional Info:BBB has received information this business solicits consumers by postal mail, encouraging participation in product surveys that test Android tablets. When consumers call the phone number provided on the mailer and attempt to recover the tablet, the business directs consumers to a location that houses/solicits vacation presentations. However, BBB has received information Dudley Media Group, LLC fails to inform consumers of vacation package solicitations when consumers receive the initial mailer. BBB has also received information Dudley Media Group, LLC may be linked to Global Vacation Network.
BBB contacted the business to address allegations of misrepresentation and to address any relation to Global Vacation Network. The business did not respond.
In addition, BBB Serving Minnesota and North Dakota issued a press release regarding offers for free android tablets which highlights Dudley Media Group, LLC.
Consumers should be aware the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns consumers of like business practices, particularly companies which require consumers to attend a meeting to win or recover products/prizes.
If you wish to receive more tips and information regarding these business practices, please contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at or on 877-382-4357.