This business has 1 alert
Important information
- Advertising Review:
BBB promotes truth in advertising by contacting advertisers whose claims conflict with the BBB Code of Advertising. These claims come to our attention from our internal review of advertising, consumer complaints, and competitor challenges. BBB asks advertisers to prove their claims, change ads to make offers clearer to consumers, and remove misleading or deceptive statements.
On May 8, 2023, BBB contacted Howdy Brewer regarding advertised claim on theirwebsite www.howdybrewer.com that itsproducts are “Made in USA”. BBB’s Code of Advertising states, “Made in USA” andsimilar terms used to describe the origin of a product must be truthful andsubstantiated. An advertiser must not express or imply that a product orproduct line is exclusively “Made in USA” unless all or virtuously all of theproduct is made in the U.S. Allsignificant parts and processing that go into the product must be of U.S.origin. That is, the product shouldcontain no-or negligible- foreign content. BBB requested Howdy Brewer toprovide substantiation for their “Made in USA” claims. As of June 22, 2023,Howdy Brewer failed to respond to BBB’s requests to substantiate or discontinue the advertisedclaim.