Important information
- Advertising Review:
On November 23, 2022, BBB requested that the business substantiate, modify, or discontinue advertising of “All Boulder Products are proudly made in the USA” claims that were made on their website at https://bouldertoolbelts.com/.
The BBB Code of Advertising states that, “The primary responsibility for truthful and non-deceptive advertising rests with the advertiser. Advertisers should be prepared to substantiate any claims or offers made before publication or broadcast and, upon request, present such substantiation promptly to the advertising medium or the Better Business Bureau.”
The BBB Code of Advertising also states that, “‘Made in USA,’ and similar terms used to describe the origin of a product must be truthful and substantiated. In general, all or virtually all of the product must be made in the USA. Qualified “Made in USA” claims can be made under certain circumstances and with appropriate disclosures.
The business did not respond to BBB’s request for revisions and clarification in its advertising.