Business Profile
Field LawThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
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Field Law
400 444 7 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0X8
Years in Business: 110
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Field Law is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB Alberta and East Kootenay
- BBB File Opened:
- 30/10/2007
- Business Started:
- 1/1/1915
- Type of Entity:
- Partnership
- Alternate Names:
- Field LLP
- Business Management:
- Felicity Aston, Director, Business Development + Marketing
- Jeremiah Kowalchuk, Managing Partner
- Facility Ashton, Business Development Manager
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Facility Ashton, Business Development Manager
- Fax numbers
- Primary Fax: (403) 264-7084
Additional Information
- Business Categories
- Lawyers, Estate Planning Attorneys, Real Estate Lawyers, Litigation Lawyers, Employment Litigation Lawyer