Kolinsky Law
212 - 10807 Castle Downs Road
Edmonton, AB T5X 3N7
BBB Accredited Since: 7/1/2021
Years in Business: 11
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Kolinsky Law is BBB Accredited.
This business has committed to upholding the BBB Standards for Trust.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?About This Business
Law office providing client-centred service. Kolinsky Law Office assists clients with family, criminal and immigration matters.
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB Alberta and East Kootenay
- BBB File Opened:
- 4/6/2018
- Business Started:
- 21/2/2014
- Type of Entity:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Business Management:
- Ms. Cheryl Fraser, Office Manager
- Mr. David Kolinsky, Partner
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Ms. Cheryl Fraser, Office Manager
- Mr. David Kolinsky, Partner
- Customer Contacts
- Mr. David Kolinsky, Partner
Additional Information
- Business Categories
- Lawyers