Harrison Hot Springs ResortThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Unanswered
Hi,This place needs an inspection, room 562.Well Harrison Hot Springs Resort was a bust, what a joke of a Resort.I highly recommend not going there unless you want Unclean, Unkept, Outdated, Overpriced rooms as well as Terrible customer service. It was so bad we ended up leaving even after driving 5 hrs from ******** to drive another 2 hrs to come home. When we decided to cancel our stay, after complaining about the rooms ( YES ROOMS cause the second room offered was just as bad) and being offered by the resort a 3rd room at a higher price of $200 per night more with no discount, we get home and notice they charged us an extra $300 on our **** with no explaination. We were told normally they dont allow refunds on cancellations, how many cancellations do they get? I dont even know what to say other than dont go!! Burn marks on the 1970s carpet ( could be older), dust build up that had to of been there for a couple of weeks, **** growing on the deck, paint peeling in the bathroom ceiling, decor that outdates me, stains on the carpet, rust stains and black hairs in the tub, broken and missing grout , stained tiles and a smell.musty and old. This was all within 5 minutes of inspection.Oh and when we showed up 5 min before our checkin time we were told that there was no room available and we would have to wait for one to be ready, with no timeline as to when it would be ready.But they did say we could use the pool, but our swimwear was in our luggage which we couldnt check in because we had no room. 7 hrs of travel time, $1600 charge ( hopefully refunded), manager didnt have the decency to speak with us, FRUSTRADED AND EXHAUSTED ****** learned the hard way!!Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Unanswered
Re Harrison Hot Springs Resort -Date of transaction- Oct 4-6, 2022 -Money Paid- $ 740.08 -What did the commit to provide us- A cabin ( although we didn't get any of the ones we chose) that had been cleaned and ready for occupation. -Nature of dispute- The rodents in the walls of the cabin and inside the cabin prevented us from sleeping or for that matter enjoying in anyway the cabin. See attached letters, one to the Resort and one to BBB. -Business trying to Resolve the problem- We sent the then Manager of this Resort 2 letters one dated Oct. 10, 2022 and again on Nov. 16, 2022 plus several phone calls none of which were acknowledged. - Account tracking number - aka Confirmation # ******Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
3 health violations. 1 including a tampon wrapper found in apparent clean robe.I have pictures Last issuse was what the front desk total my 13 yr old autistic daughter. That sent her into an extreme panic attack causing HIVES!! I have been advised to speak to someone directly as this might involve a court case seeking emotional damages for my daughter. No one has contacted me from ************************** sent 2 emails to the manager I spoke with. My **** was also charged for the vacation ! I also had to break up a fight 4 adults & 2 pitbulls in front of our room in the hall. 7 am. Disaster of a ******************* treat for my daughter. Total trauma. A lot more to discuss with how staff was. ************. Please call me.Customer response
I also sent ****** two emails and havent received any replies. No one followed up to even see if we were ok after the incident in the hallway either.
I have also been directed to a Disability lawyer because what happened to ***** is not ok.Customer response
Checked in they graciously offered a room upgraded to larger room, two ******************** and balcony. Thanked them !!
Girls went up first with *******. While I parked the van when I got into room I noticed chips on the floor in front of the *** Then I looked around and noticed debris on the floor. It was obvious they didnt vacuum. At that point I decided not to say anything girls had already changed into bathing suit and were running down the hallway to the Hot Springs. I figured we could live with it and unvacuumed room not the worst things and just enjoy our birthday trip. I had to ask housekeeping for toilet tissue and Kleenex as ours was empty. The housekeeping lady looked absolutely runoff her feet exhausted and overwhelmed. Later on that night, I went to pick up a plastic cup, and the girls screamed and said, dont touch it because there was an eyelash strip, stuck on the bottom which ***** had put inside the cup. Later I was searching for extra blankets in closet, they were cold. There was none i phoned down to housekeeping. I requested the blankets, then told them about the chips & the eyelash. They asked why I didnt phone down when I first checked in to report the chips and I told them the girls were so excited to be there. I didnt want to cause a fuss. And they had already started changing to go down to the Hot Springs. I didnt want to have to get them to move again, or have the inconvenience of housekeeping coming in and vacuuming Then when I found the *********** was a bit much but at 10 oclock at night I didnt want to be switching rooms as they were getting cosy and ready for bed. Housekeeping never showed up. It was around 11 oclock and I phone down again and the lady was flabbergasted that no one had shown up yet so finally they came up around ****. I talked to Anoop (manager)The next day they offered to come in and vacuum the room and I told them when we left the room I would notify them because I didnt want to disturb the girls. Also, we had our dog. they didnt come in while we were gone in mid afternoon. They came in 7 pm ish just as we were trying to get ready for going to the Hot Springs my daughters friend put her hand in her robe pocket and discovered a tampon wrapper. The housekeeping lady **** with the vacuum arrived at the exact same time, and she was just as horrified as my girls. She offered to give her a new robe, but my daughters friend didnt want to cause a fuss, and so she just kept the robe on threw the wrapper in the garbage, and they went down to the pool I arrived just as this was happening because I got a phone call from the girls they said come quick the ladies here to vacuum and what should we do with the dog. Later that night I spoke to the housekeeping manager, ****** and I told her about them chips and debris and the eyelash and she offered 50% off the one night I said thats not good enough because I dont know what weve been exposed to already. She informed me she will be off the day of checkout and to try and enjoy the rest of our stay and if I needed anything else just ask. She was sending an email to GM & investigating housekeeping. That night, my daughter had extreme OCD reaction and was tossing and turning and very irritable, complaining about itchy skin and was obviously bothered by the cleanliness of the room. Around midnight I asked her what I could do so she could get to sleep her friend offered to go down to the lobby and work on her homework. I stripped the bed and shook out the sheets. I added fresh linen Added fresh sheet to bed. Shook out bedding, warm bath & rubbed back & held till she fell asleep around 2:30 in the morning. I called ****** & said Bellas asleep come back to room now. At 7 oclock in the morning. I woke up to crazy intense sounds of two dogs fighting. I thought it was outside in front of our balcony, but it was in the hallway along with four people fighting that were completely intoxicated, and probably under the influence of drugs. I could hear punching sounds of kicking. Sounds of glass being broken, screaming swearing & the dogs it was terrifying but I was so concerned with not having the girls wake up to this especially ***** and it was her 13th birthday. The one guy was beating up the girl and swearing and yelling, the other couple was trying to break them up and the dogs are fighting in owners distress. I open the door to ask them to stop yelling because my kids were trying to sleep and to take it around the corner, and then the one guy came up to me and told me that the girl was freaking out because her ex-boyfriend **** himself and her father shot himself in the head and it was her birthday. The guy was trying to get her to stop freaking out & than they got in a fight. I realized the girl was under massive stress, and I asked her if she needed a hug she said yes, sobbing I went to her, and I hugged her in a deep, trauma hug hold, and she fell apart in my arms as I was hugging her my daughter opened the door to ask what was going on and I told her its OK. Ive got it under control. Shes safe & go back in the room. Ill be there in a second. I went in the room. Put my hand on ***** she was trembling, Realized security was needed. So I called to the front desk. Told them about the domestic assault & the pitbulls told them to send a female aswell. But no time to talk because my daughter needed me. ***** was curled up in the bed shaking her friend was trying to figure out what the heck happened. So I laid with them holding ***** telling them their both safe. After about 15 mins I slowly started to try & shift thinking for them and said lets open presents its your birthday!!! So we did presents & than ***** wanted breakfast. Than after. They wanted to swim. I said go ahead Ill be there shortly. So I went to front desk to ask for late check out as massive trauma for girls & myself we just endured also all the other incidences adding up to the last straw. I went to the front desk told them my name my room number talk to the manager on duty ************** told her Im exhausted I was the one to call down the call security and asked for assistance. Also, there been many incidences with the room told her to look on her file and asked for a late check out. She looked me straight in the face and said NO. I asked her to talk to the manager above her. I said to call me once she had done that. Gave her explicit instructions to call my cell phone first !!!!!! not the room because I didnt want the girls to get the phone call because they didnt have to deal with it. We proceeded to go to the Hot Springs and try and enjoy the last little bit of our time and make the best of her 13th birthday at 11:10 am I still hadnt heard anything I kept checking my phone. girls went back to the room, I said Ill be right behind you in 5 mins. ****** called me in sheer panic, and she said a lady called & said we are getting kicked out & being charged. Than ****** said I dont know what to do Im just a kid to the lady. (I had told the girls the night before that we could leave Harrison (I meant the town) around 2 go shopping & eat, ****** told ****** weren't leaving till 2. But ****** didnt know I meant obviously check out & wander around village) ****** kept saying to *************** a kid I dont know what to do. Than ****** said oh I guess I should have called her phone first. I told ****** Im coming right now, she said ***** was flipping out. Be there in 2 mins. As I was running to get to them. I was calling to try and tell them to relax I got this. (They werent answering) . Id talked to ****** the night before its ok Ill get this sorted out I got to the room and ***** is soaking wet with T-shirt on & shorts over her bathing suit everything was stuffed into suitcases & bags like a mad panic. I asked why they didnt answer phones. ****** said she cant find them. ***** had swept everything into bags & suitcases. I calmly said to have a shower as we have an 1 1/2 hr drive but ***** started to pace like a hyena, refusing she just wanted to run out of the room. ****** said shed like to have a shower. So I found Bellas iPad and got her to sit on the bed. I said to the girls. Im going to front desk real quick to clarify things with ******. I got there and asked for ******. I was so freaking mad. I just said to ****** WHY would she tell a child that ?????!!! You know my daughters autistic right !! Its on the file. We even have our dog !! ****** said I shouldnt have left my kids unattended. BLAMING ME FOR HER MISTAKE !! She also didnt follow instructions by phoning my cell phone first she told Children
that they were going to be kicked out and charged !!! I went back to room. Did alittle repacking so liquids & such didnt leak on our drive home. Called for ******* to bring trolly & take luggage to van. I got everyone loaded. I gave room keys to ******* as I was done ! Dealing with ******. Before even leaving the hotel front bella was asking for water & irritated still, high anxiety I said we could stop for water but she refused. She was going red in the face & complaining her skin was itchy & sore. I realized something was happening was thinking it was an allergic reaction. But I kept driving because she yelling & insisted she didnt want me to stop. Finally I was going through Harrison. I got her to agree & went through the A&W drive through so I could get some hot water and cold water and pat her legs & face down she still refusing because she just wants to get the heck out of there. I kept an eye on her, and her legs and face broke out in this rash, which Ive never seen before, but Ive heard of in high anxiety cases, ***** was just absolutely beside herself and I felt so bad for *****. Eventually she fell asleep on top of ***** and slept all the way home, we had plans that night for ***** to go to her extracurricular activity but I had to cancel because ***** was too emotionally exhausted. we tried to make the most of the evening and ordered in the sushi Bellas favorite meal so we can try and recap a little bit of the day and enjoy the last bit of her 13th birthday.
All of this happened in 2 days on what was to be a wonderful birthday celebration.
Also Ive been a guest there for the last 25 YEARS!!! The last 5 years have been a dramatic change in quality overall.
I think Ive remembered everything.
The only reason we keep returning is because its close to home and the girls love the Hot Springs. Its very soothing for them but Im not sure after this time.
******* ??Business response
Guest had many issues on property that were not in control of the hotel. All hotel issues were dealt with quickly. *********************Customer response
The issues that we had to deal with were unacceptable!! No one even asked how we were after the domestic issue that I attended to. Nor compensation for the dirty room & tampon. Was over the top bad. Also the way front desk spoke to my autistic daughter. Causing an extreme panic attack. Completely disgraceful, how they handled everything or lack of handling.
******* ??Business response
This situation escalated beyond the resort.
For privacy concerns the resort cannot further comment.Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Billing Issues
- Status:
- Unanswered
I attended the Harrison Hot Springs Resort on April 28, 2022. I had booked a hotel using my airmiles and my room was prepaid. Upon arriving my room was not ready and/or there was no room for me at that time (after check in time). The lady at the desk took for credit card for a hold for incidentals. I was told at the time no charges would be placed on my credit card. Due to a security feature on my credit card I was required to put in my PIN number. This is normal and I had previously done this at 3 different hotels during that week. I left the hotel as they did not have a room for me and began my drive towards home. By the time the hotel called me stating a room was available I was in a different city. I notified them that I would not be staying. The supervisor stated that I needed to return to the hotel to get my refund back for the deposit made on my credit cart. This was not possible. It is extremely concerning that they charged my credit card $111.00. I have not been refunded the money. I have notified my bank,*** ***********regarding the issue. The bank phoned and spoke with the supervisor on the phone with me. The supervisor refused to tell the bank why my credit card was charged for a deposit and that they were in violation of the third party contract.(I’m not sure what that means). The supervisor just kept telling the bank that they would need to speak with accounting. Attempts were made to talk with their accounting department but their head accountant was not available. I have not been refunded my $111.00. The bank said it may take up to 100 days. This seems ridiculous. How can the hotel legally charge me when I was only providing my credit card for a hold that is removed upon checkout. I have never had to out my credit card pin in to check out of a hotel. ** **** * *** ***** ***** * ****** * ***** ** ******* ***** ********* **** *** **** ****** **** *** * ***** *** **** *** ** ***** * **** ***** ** ****** **** *** *** ******** *****
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Customer Complaints Summary
4 total complaints in the last 3 years.
1 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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