Accelerate Okanagan
201 1405 St Paul St
Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E4
BBB Accredited Since: 28/2/2007
Years in Business: 24
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Accelerate Okanagan is BBB Accredited.
This business has committed to upholding the BBB Standards for Trust.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?About This Business
Accelerate Okanagan is a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs the mentorship, connections and community needed to build technology-driven ventures.
Photos and Videos
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB serving Mainland British Columbia
- BBB File Opened:
- 9/3/2005
- Business Started:
- 1/1/2001
- Business Started Locally:
- 1/1/2001
- Business Incorporated:
- 22/10/2004
- Type of Entity:
- Corporation
- Alternate Names:
- Accelerate Okanagan Technology Association
- Business Management:
- Sarah Scott, Administrator
- Brea Lake, CEO
- Joanna Lastname
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Sarah Scott, Administrator
- Customer Contacts
- Sarah Scott, Administrator
- Fax numbers
- Primary Fax: (604) 861-4728
- Additional Email Addresses
- Primary:
Licensing information
This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.
Additional Information
- Business Categories
- Business Associations