Business Profile
Retail Florist
Grower DirectThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Retail Florist.
Own this business?Grower Direct
4190 15th Ave
Prince George, BC V2M 1V8
Years in Business: 17
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Grower Direct is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?BBB Rating
Not RatedReasons for rating
- BBB does not have sufficient information to issue a rating on this business.
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB serving Mainland British Columbia
- BBB File Opened:
- 7/11/2008
- Business Started:
- 1/1/2008
- Business Started Locally:
- 1/1/2008
- Business Management:
- Susan Barton-Taite, Owner
- Sharon Cochrane, Owner
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Sharon Cochrane, Owner
- Customer Contacts
- Sharon Cochrane, Owner
Additional Information
- Business Categories
- Retail Florist