Business Profile
Cresta Dental CentreThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Dentist.
Cresta Dental Centre
28-3170 Tillicum Rd
Victoria, BC V9A 7C5
Years in Business: 42
BBB Accreditation & Rating
Cresta Dental Centre is NOT a BBB Accredited Business.
To become accredited, a business must agree to BBB Standards for Trust and pass BBB's vetting process.
Why choose a BBB Accredited Business?About This Business
Products and Services
Cresta Dental Centre offers general and cosmetic dental services including:
Oral health exams
Pat exams
Wisdom teeth extraction
Root canals
Dental implants
Gum reshaping
Teeth whitening
Oral health exams
Pat exams
Wisdom teeth extraction
Root canals
Dental implants
Gum reshaping
Teeth whitening
Business Details
- Local BBB:
- BBB serving Vancouver Island
- BBB File Opened:
- 20/7/2005
- Business Started:
- 1/1/1983
- Business Incorporated:
- 10/8/1983
- Type of Entity:
- Corporation
- Alternate Names:
- Cresta Dental Centres Ltd.
- Business Management:
- Dr. Surinder Dhaliwal, Partner
- Dayle White, IT Manager
Additional Contact Information
- Principal Contacts
- Dr. Surinder Dhaliwal, Partner
- Customer Contacts
- Dr. Surinder Dhaliwal, Partner
- Fax numbers
- Primary Fax: (250) 384-2045
- Social Media
Licensing information
This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.
BBB records show a license number of 184 for this business, issued by District of Saanich
District of Saanich
770 Vernon Ave
Victoria BC V8X 2W7
Additional Information
- Program Participation
- BBB Supporter
These agencies support your BBB and its vision of an ethical marketplace, where buyers and sellers trust each other. - Business Categories
- Dentist