Important information
- Additional Info:
In May 2023, BBB initiated an investigation on Chancellor Center for Law. The investigation was prompted by a consumer’s concerns when trying to do their own background check on the business.
Below are the findings of BBB's investigation on Chancellor Center for Law:•BBB checked the website (https://chancellorcenterforlaw.ca/) to determine when it was created and where it was registered. The website was created on October 8, 2023, and is registered to Go Daddy. The website uses stock photos/stolen photos to represent its staff and management team.
•BBB sent an email to Chancellor Center for Law asking for clarification of the following: A brief description of the products or services your company offers. Information on how and where your company advertises. Any additional information that would enable BBB to better understand your business. BBB has not received any response from Chancellor Center for Law.
•BBB conducted both a provincial and a federal corporation search for Chancellor Center for Law but was not successful in finding any registration under the said business name.
Based on the information detailed above, BBB cannot confirm the legitimacy or business structure of Chancellor Center for Law. We strongly encourage consumers to do their due diligence in verifying the business firsthand.
If you believe the be the victim of a scam, a report can be made on BBB Scam Tracker in order to warn others. You may also consider reporting the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre