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Citizens FirstFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Legal Document Help.
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- Advertising Review:
On September 26,2024, BBB Serving Los Angeles and Silicon Valley requested that the businesssubstantiate, modify, or discontinue claims on the company's website, In particular, BBB requested clarification of the company’scorporation entity and also requested substantiation for claimed results withintheir posted client testimonials.
The BBB Code ofAdvertising states that, "1.1 The primary responsibility for truthful andnon-deceptive advertising rests with the advertiser. Advertisers should beprepared to substantiate any objective claims or offers made before publicationor broadcast. Upon request, they should present such substantiation promptly tothe advertising medium or BBB.”
The BBB Code ofAdvertising also states, “34. Claims relating to performance, energy savings,safety, efficacy or results for a product or service should be based on recentand competent testing or other objective data.”
TheBBB Code of Advertising also states, “30.1 In general, advertising whichuses testimonials or endorsements is likely to mislead or confuse if: 30.1.3 Itcontains representations or statements which would be misleading if madedirectly by the advertiser; 30.1.11 Aconsumer’s experience represented in an advertisement is not the typicalexperience of those using the product or service, unless the advertisementclearly and conspicuously discloses what the expected results will be.” You cansee the full Testimonial andEndorsements Code here:
As of February 11, 2025, the business hasfailed to respond to our request for substantiation, modification, ordiscontinuation of the advertised claims.