Important information
- Advertising Review:
On March 4, 2024, BBBServing Los Angeles and Silicon Valley requested that the businesssubstantiate, modify, or discontinue a claim in Santa Cruz Style Magazine. The business advertises “100%Satisfaction Guaranteed.”
The BBB Code of Advertising states,“20.1 When using the term “warranty” or “guarantee” in product advertising, theadvertiser must clearly and conspicuously include a statement that the completedetails of the warranty can be seen prior to sale at the advertiser's location,viewed on the advertiser’s website or, in the case of mail or telephone ordersales, made available free on written request. 20.2 Advertisers should only use“satisfaction guarantee,” “money back guarantee,” “free trial offer,” orsimilar representations in advertising if the seller or manufacturer refundsthe full purchase price of the advertised product or service at the consumer'srequest. 20.3 When “satisfaction guarantee” or similar representations are usedin advertising, any material limitations or conditions that apply to theguarantee must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed. 20.4 When advertising“lifetime” warranties or guarantees or similar representations, theadvertisement must clearly and conspicuously disclose its intended meaning ofthe term “lifetime.” 20.5 Sellers or manufacturers should advertise that aproduct or service is warranted or guaranteed only if the seller ormanufacturer promptly and fully performs its obligations under the warranty orguarantee.”
As of March 27, 2024,the business has failed to respond to our request for substantiation,modification, or discontinuation of the advertised claim.