The Spanish Group LLCHeadquarters
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Order Issues
- Status:
- Unresolved
1) El da 03 de ***** de 2024, mediante correo electrnico recib la cotizacin de la empresa THE SPANISH GROUP LLC para el servicio estndar de traduccin de ****** palabras de espaol a ingls. 2) El da 04 de ***** de 2024 a la 1:54 pm, realice el proceso de pago en lnea con mi tarjeta dbito, del servicio estndar por el valor de $1,927.28. Tengo comprobante del servicio que estaba pagando. 3) El da 04 de ***** de 2024 a la 1:55 pm, me llega el correo de confirmacin de pago y nmero de la orden #****** por parte de THE SPANISH GROUP LLC. La confirmacin del servicio es por ****** palabras, con el servicio estandar o velocidad normal pero por un valor debitado de mi tarjeta de US ********. 4) Inmediatamente despus del error del valor debitado, me comunique con la empresa THE SPANISH GROUP LLC para enterarlos del error en el sistema y para que me reintegraran mi dinero adicional debitado. 5) La orden del servicio qued confirmada el da 04 de ***** de 2024 a la 1:55 pm y la entrega total de la documentacin finaliz el da 08 de ***** de 2024 con un proceso normal. 6) Conforme lo anteriormente expuesto, se puede evidenciar que la empresa THE SPANISH GROUP LLC ha obrado de mala fe, en mi caso concreto, me enviaron un enlace de pago que conducen finalmente a debitar el doble del valor.Por lo tanto, THE SPANISH GROUP LLC realiz las siguientes actividades aparentemente sospechosas y/o fraudulentas:1.El valor debitado de mi cuenta fue superior al acordado.2.El enlace de pago que ellos enviaron se encontraba alterado.3.Justificaron errneamente el servicio contratado con la finalidad de no reintegrar el *********** incumplieron con los trminos de ************ negaron el reintegro del dinero excedente.Solicito la intervencin de BBB ante la empresa THE SPANISH GROUP LLC para que me ayuden a recuperar mi dinero por el valor de US ********. Tengo todos los comprobantes de lo aqu manifestado.Business response
Hola *******,
Le agradezco el haber compartido estos comentarios con nosotros y lamento la situacin.
Hemos revisado dichos comentarios y en este caso podemos ver que usted seleccion el servicio de entrega urgente al momento de proceder con la cotizacin enviada.
Todas nuestras cotizaciones cuentan con la opcin de entrega estndar y entrega urgente para que nuestros clientes cuenten con la libertad de seleccionar la cual les parezca ms ************ En su caso, usted seleccion la opcin de entrega urgente con un costo adicional, el cual, es el doble del costo de la entrega estndar es por esto que su cobro fue el doble. Esto quiere decir que haciendo la operacin matemtica de $1,927.28 (costo por entrega estndar) + $1,927.28 (mejora a entrega urgente) = $3,845.56.4 nos **** el total que usted menciona.
Nosotros no hacemos ningn cobro sin su autorizacin y es por esto mismo que se le enva la cotizacin previamente para que usted cuente con la libertad de seleccionar la velocidad de entrega de sus traducciones.
Posteriormente por telfono usted le coment a nuestro personal de servicio al cliente que haba seleccionado la opcin incorrecta y solicit su reembolso, sin embargo su orden ya haba sido asignada, estaba ya en progreso para culminar el proceso y le comentamos que no podamos reembolsar ya que iba en contra de las polticas que acord al momento de realizar el pago. As mismo, se llev a revisin y nuestro gerente aprob un crdito a favor por la cantidad correspondiente a la cuota urgente de $1,927.28, el cual sigue disponible para su uso en cualquier servicio que necesite, sin embargo el reembolso no es aplicable en esta situacin ya que la traduccin se entreg.
Customer response
I am rejecting this response because:
Las razones argumentadas por THE SPANISH GROUP LLC son errneas, esto no es por seleccionar mal un servicio al momento de pagar, es por que la cotizacin y el proceso de pago no coinciden con el valor debitado ni las caractersticas del servicio recibido.
- El da 03 de ***** de 2024, mediante correo electrnico recib la cotizacin de la empresa THE SPANISH GROUP LLC para el servicio estndar de traduccin de ****** palabras por un valor unitario de $0.08 cada una, para un total del servicio de $1,927.28, conforme la cotizacin.
- La confirmacin del servicio me llega por ****** palabras, con el servicio estndar o velocidad normal pero por un valor por palabra de $0.16 debitando de mi tarjeta el valor de US 3,845.56.
1)Cuando manifiestan Hemos revisado dichos comentarios y en este caso podemos ver que usted seleccion el servicio de entrega urgente al momento de proceder con la cotizacin enviada.
SOLICITUD: Amablemente solicito me sea informado y demostrado de manera exacta y precisa, en donde pueden verque mi orden seleccionada fue urgente, aun cuando la cotizacin fue ***** palabras por $0.08 cada una, les aporto la constancia del proceso de pago por un servicio normal de ***** palabras por $0.08 cada una, y me envan una factura por ***** palabras por $0.16 cada una y por un servicio NORMAL.
2)Cuando manifiestan Nosotros no hacemos ningn cobro sin su autorizacin.
SOLICITUD: Amablemente solicito me sea remitida la autorizacin por medio del cual ustedes debitaron de mi cuenta el valor de $3,854.56 en lugar de haber debitado $1,927.28 conforme fue mi voluntad del servicio contratado conforme la cotizacin y proceso de pago que aqu se prueba.
3)Cuando manifiestan Posteriormente por telfono usted le coment a nuestro personal de servicio al cliente que haba seleccionado la opcin incorrecta y solicit su reembolso, sin embargo su orden ya haba sido asignada, estaba ya en progreso para culminar el proceso y le comentamos que no podamos reembolsar ya que iba en contra de las polticas que acord al momento de realizar el pago.
Como se manifest anteriormente en el documento, las conversaciones con su personal fueron inmediatas, menos de cinco minutos despus del proceso de pago, para informar que el error haba sido del sistema y que mi voluntad era tomar el servicio normal, por cuanto no comprenda completamente la situacin y no imaginaba de ninguna manera que ustedes responderan de mala intencin con tal de no realizar la devolucin del dinero.
Por otra parte, de ninguna manera su negativa para devolver el dinero fue porque mi proceso de traduccin iba a culminar, pues cabe resaltar que mis documentos fueron entregados de manera parcial durante cuatro das despus de la orden,incumpliendo igualmente sus propias polticas de entrega urgente.
SOLICITUD: Amablemente solicito me **** remitidas las polticas que acord al momento de realizar el pago,teniendo presente, que ste se realiz y proces como un servicio normal conforme es acreditado con todos los elementos probatorios que se han puesto y continan poniendo a su disposicin para nuevo anlisis y fundamentacin de lo aqu argumentado.
4)Cuando manifiestan As mismo, se llev a revisin y nuestro gerente aprob un crdito a favor por la cantidad correspondiente a la cuota urgente de $1,927.28, el cual sigue disponible para su uso en cualquier servicio que necesite.
Con asombro se vislumbra su oferta, la cual, claramente los expone ante la irregularidad del servicio que han realizado conmigo. Exijo el reintegro de mi dinero debitado sin mi autorizacin so **** de acudir a instancias mayores.
SOLICITUD: Amablemente solicito me **** expuestas y/o informadas las razones por las cuales su gerente aprueba un crdito a mi favor por la misma cantidad que estoy reclamando la devolucin. Si este caso se hubiese llevado a cabo de manera regular y su obrar hubiese sido de buena fe, ante una corporacin seria no **** lugar a ningn tipo de crdito.Amablemente solicito la devolucin de mi dinero debitado sin autorizacin por el valor de US 1,927,28.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Unresolved
This company WAS good and has become a nightmare. I ordered an URGENT translation for which I payed double the quoted price (that is what they charge for a 'same day' translation. The documents, which were urgent and for which I payed THOUSANDS of dollars, did not arrive the same day nor did they arrive within 24 hours. After calls and mails someone finally offered a credit for the 50% overpaid, which I refused and just asked for a refund of that 50%. No answer. 3 months now and just answers, which seem like automated emails, saying they will get back to me. Basically they ROBBED me over a thousand dollars and they do not care, not to mention the trouble for not having the documents on time. DO NOT use them, they do not respond or have service AFTER you give them your credit card and they charge you. ****** *******. Order ******. Maybe if they read it here someone will respond??????Business response
Hello ******,
We appreciate your comments and feedback.
Due to the size of the project and as per the policies agreed at checkout; large size urgent orders can be delivered within the same day or the next day as soon as possible.We indeed delivered the translation the very next day which aligns with our policies. However we also received your request for a refund and we offered a 50% refund or a full store credit but unfortunately these were options that you were not willing to accept.
Keep in mind that these options are still available for you and we'll be happy to accommodate this for you should you wish to reach out to us.
Customer response
I am rejecting this response because:
In your response you are saying you offered a 50% reimbursement or a 100% store credit. This is NOT true. You offered on June/21 a store credit of $1,393.83, which is 50% of what I payed ($2,787.66). That is all. No offer of reimbursing any amount. I responded that I did NOT want the store credit I wanted this $1,393.83 refunded to my credit card. No one ever responded anymore. So, YES I accept your offer to reimburse me the $1,393.83, which is 50% of what I payed. Let me know what you need to reimburse this amount to my card.
Business response
Dear ******,
Thank you for your response.
We want to assure you that we have made every effort to resolve this matter to the best of our ability. However, we regret that our phone conversations did not lead to a mutual agreement.
Given the long-standing nature of our business relationship, which we highly value and wish to continue, we believe that offering a store credit would be a more suitable resolution and what we are willing to accommodate.
Thank you for your understanding.Customer response
I am rejecting this response because:
I do not understand. You are not even honoring your own offer of days ago which I copy here:
"Hello ******,
We appreciate your comments and feedback.
Due to the size of the project and as per the policies agreed at checkout; large size urgent orders can be delivered within the same day or the next day as soon as possible.
We indeed delivered the translation the very next day which aligns with our policies. However we also received your request for a refund and we offered a 50% refund or a full store credit but unfortunately these were options that you were not willing to accept.
Keep in mind that these options are still available for you and we'll be happy to accommodate this for you should you wish to reach out to us.
Respectfully, "As I said before, I was never offered a 50% refund, as you suggest, that was exactly what I asked for for weeks and weeks, so please honor that and refund my 50% as you say you are offering.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Billing Issues
- Status:
- Answered
******************* offers service for ***** per page. I pay for the translation of my birth certificate. Service now is making up new charges. More than 250 words (my birth certificate does not have more than 250 words), etc. the service refuses to refund. This is a scam company.Business response
Hello ***************,
We appreciate your feedback and we regret that you feel this way.
As per your conversation with our Customer Satisfaction agent ******** we have confirmed that we are happy to offer a refund and this has already been processed to your account.
We believe in a fair resolution for both parties and we will be happy to assist you with any further translations and we are happy to offer 15% on a future order as well.
Thank you.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Spanish group LLC told me to contact Ecuador authorities to see what I needed done, Ecuador authorities say to bring my documents to ******* and not use a third party service to translate. I told Spanish group LLC what Ecuador said, because they are the ones that requested I reach out to *******, and thats what Ecuador said, I should be entitled to a full refundBusiness response
Hello *******,
We appreciate your feedback and for sharing your concerns with us.
As per our last conversation with you from our Customer Success team, we reached out and confirmed that we had completed a full refund. However,we have attempted to reach out numerous times through email, phone and text to notify you about this and provide you with the transaction ID as well but unfortunately we have not received a response from you.We appreciate if you can share the best time to reach you or contact us at ************** should you need anything else to assist.
Thank you
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
- Transaction Date: April 10 - Total Money Paid: $49*2=$98 - Business Commited to Provide: Same-day translation services - Nature of dispute: the business has advertised its rush translation service as "same business day delivery" on their website, and I was also told by *********************** that my translation will be delivered "today" after purchasing the urgent rush services. However, it is not delivered on time. I wanted a refund but then *********************** said it was a "24 hour delivery". The business is using misleading words to scam consumers.- Order number: #******Business response
Hello ******,
We sincerely appreciate your feedback and comments.
As per our last interaction and communications with you, we confirmed that the refund was processed and we received confirmation that it was received thus concluding in a satisfactory resolution.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly if you need anything else and we'll be happy to assist you.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Billing Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
on Friday, August 18, 2023, I placed an order for a translation from The Spanish Group. When I received the confirmation, I realized the timeframe for the completion of the work was after my deadline. I immediately called the company and was told to send them an email. I sent the email immediately requesting the cancellation of the order (clearly at that point the order had not been started yet). The company replied stating the order could not be canceled. I sent several emails trying to explain that the delivery date was past my deadline - this service would be useless for me after the deadline. The Spanish Group refused to cancel the work. I filed a dispute with my credit card bank - Navy ********************** and they found the dispute in my favor and reversed the charge. I am now receiving a communication from *************** agency on behalf of the Spanish Group, trying to collect the amount of $380.Business response
Hello *****,
Thank you for bringing this up to our attention.
Upon reviewing this information I have noticed that we complied with the delivery time frame stated on the quote as 3 business days. The order was placed on Friday, August 18th, therefore weekends are not included in the delivery time frame, thus confirming that the delivery of your translations on August 23rd was completed on the 3rd business day. However, we are happy to talk to our collections team to remove this charge from collections.
Customer response
I am rejecting this response because: this Dispute not resolved, yet.
I have spoken to the representative from The Spanish Group, and they stated they would reverse / cancel the charges in dispute. However, they have not yet contacted the ****************** to close the case.
Here are the dates and communications so far:
Jan 31 Spoke to ******* from The Spanish Group she indicated they would cancel the charges
Feb 1 Called ******************* (FCR) charges had not yet been removed from The Spanish Group.
Feb 6 Called ******************* again they had not yet heard from the Spanish Group.
Feb 6 Spoke to ******* from Spanish Group she stated they would take care of it.
Feb 8 Called ******************* again they have not yet heard from the Spanish Group.
Feb 8 Spoke to ******* from Spanish Group she stated they will take care of it.
I am happy the Spanish Group is willing to cancel the charges.
But, so far the problem has not been completely resolved (until the case is closed with the collections agency)
Thank you for your help in resolving this matter.
*****************Business response
Hi *****,
As per our conversations and our last response, we have confirmed that the collections process has been canceled and stopped to assist into this resolution and as a token of our appreciation for you.
This has been confirmed by you as well that the collections process has been stopped and we kindly appreciate your response in this matter to confirm that this has been resolved.
Thank you!
Customer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I am satisfied with The Spanish Group's willingness to work with me and cancel the charges.
Thank you,*****************
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
I've ordered two translation to this business but during the communication after that, I realized they are trying to get more money from me. They paid me different for order #****** and #******, later more expensive. both translations were from the same document for two different people. After some back and forth, I realized the business wants to charge me alot for what is only 180 words of translation. They wanted to charge 4 pages for that. I asked for refund, they refunded first order which was cheaper but the did not refund the later one which was more expensive. Note that the later order was placed after first one but they said that one is assigned which is odd considering they ask for more money to process the order and we didn't agree on any more payment.I am seeking refund for my later order as well. The request came in the conversion after I placed order.Business response
We appreciate you reaching out to us for this matter.
We apologize for the inconvenienice. We noticed that the order placed did not include all pages reported, since the order was placed as 1 page but included more. However we are happy to assist in offering a refund due to the inconvenience.
One of our representatives has reached out confirming that the refund has been processed and received your confirmation that this has been received.
We appreciate your business and for any future projects that you may have you may reach out to the representative that contacted you directly and we can also offer a discount of 15% on your next order.
Respectfully,Customer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I sent a document to them on the July 21, 2023 by email. The reevaluated a document I already completed with them and gave me a quote. I paid for it without knowing they did not evaluate the exact or last document I sent to them. When I started asking for the translated copy, they sent me copy of work I already had. When I told them there is a mixed up, they kept hesitating. Because of the urgency of my work, I sent it to another company. At the end of the day, they concluded, (for the $86.87) they will do me another work to compensate that money. Now, I have brought the work and they have refused. This is a very dishonest company. I was able to show them the duplicated job they sent to me. I asked them to send me the double emails I send that same document to them if they claim that I sent same work to the twice. They stayed quite . This is a company I have been operating with for the last 2 to 3 years. They are very greedy to cherished $86 they have to lose due to their stupidity over me. I have the biggest project which is a 27 pages transcript of a case in French which I was about to giving them but now I want to end every link with them. They have put me through much pain. They should demonstrate the double times I sent them that very job by email or refund my money to my account. ***************Business response
Dear *****,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We appreciate your feedback.
After a thorough review of the orders in question, we confirmed that both Order #****** and #****** were indeed placed by you. We always prioritize transparency and do not process payments without explicit authorization which is why we leave the payment process and options for our clients to do and place the order directly by following the instructions on their quote(s).
We understand that clients may require multiple certified translations for various purposes, which is not uncommon. In response to your initial concern, despite having evidence of the two orders, we offered a store credit as a gesture of goodwill. You agreed and subsequently requested to apply this credit towards a new quote in August. We promptly confirmed that we were going to communicate to the corresponding department to apply this store credit into your account at **********************, which would allow for you to place your order and use that store credit to fund your next order.Regrettably, you opted for a refund during this process and we confirmed we would be happy to process that refund for you. Please understand that once a refund is issued, the associated store credit becomes invalid. However, we believe the end result, in terms of financial benefit, remained the same for you.
Our Customer Success team had also reached out to ensure your satisfaction and confirm that you had received your refund. We assure you that we have taken every step possible to address your concerns promptly and respectfully.
We remain committed to providing you with exceptional service.
Regards.Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
Used this company in March, 2023 to translate my kids birth certificate into Spanish. Sent them the order info online & get an email from them asking me & recommending to have them notarized by then with an extra charge. Paid the extra charge. Received the documents that they knew were from the ************************** to send them to *********** to get the apostolic stamp. Well ******* will not put an apostille stamp on documents that have been notarized in another state. Ok my bad for trusting them to know what they are doing. Called them this morning & after holding for closed an hour & waiting hours to receive the link via email to pay them another $129 for them to apostille them in ********** no can do. When I try to put the delivery address to an address in *********** doesnt let me. Called again held for hours to be disconnected. Since 1 pm & is now 10 pm & called & called, ig message, posted on their ig page to no avail. So tomorrow I need to start the process again with a competent ethical company. Therefore, I want them to refund me the translation money bc I have to have them translate & notarized again. Beyond inhumane customer service & incompetent beyond believe!Business response
Dear ****,
We apologize for any frustration or inconvenience you may have experienced. Our team takes customer service very seriously, and we are committed to resolving any issues that arise.
Based on our records, it seems that there may have been some confusion regarding the information you provided during your call with us. We understand that this can be frustrating, and we sincerely apologize for any miscommunication.
We would be more than happy to assist you with your billing details and process a refund as soon as possible. Our Customer Success team is available to speak with you and provide any necessary assistance.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to make things right.Customer response
Better Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Since **************** issued a refund I dont need anything from the Spanish group nor will Ill be using their services ever again.
***************** did what I needed it in a professional & efficient way.
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Customer Complaints Summary
12 total complaints in the last 3 years.
6 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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