Real Estate Broker
Jeffrey L Tricoli PAThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Hired ** firm ***************************** *o sell my home. ********************* is *he ** employee who came *o my house *o ge* a con*rac* on selling my home. He basically refused *o *ell me *ha* he would no* be showing my house when I *old him *ha*'s wha* I wan*ed. They are a marke*ing firm which he failed *o *ell me. They adver*ise your home *o o*her **s*a*es *o sell i*. Af*er almos* 2 mo's. *hey have no* shown my home only o*her **s*a*es have. One lef* my doors li*erally open( AC going ou* door) and ano*her door unlocked. Ligh*s lef* on. 2nd showing ano*her ** came brough* clien* who could no* only no* walk *o 2nd fl. Bu* backed ou* of my driveway almos* hi**ing my en*rance walls and falling 4 f* down breaking cemen* off driveway culver*. Had *o have help ge**ing ou* . I repor*ed *o Tricoli and *hey basically blew i* off *elling me *hey are no* responsible for o*her **s*a*es damage *o my home.Ano*her *ime I was ou* back wi*h my dogs and a man came ou* my back door and I had no clue who he was . He was showing my house. Scared me. Till I asked who he was. I *old **** he needed *o be here when house was *o be shown. His lis*ing!!! He says no *hey don * do *ha*. Poor pho*ographer never came back *o finish *aking pic*ures. I am a senior widow and feel *his young man **** *ook advan*age of me. I wan* a release from *his co. They refuse and have *aken my proper*y off *he marke* and holding i* hos*age un*il I agree *o le* *hem keep my lis*ing. I am no* comfor*able leaving my home in *heir hands. I *ried *o *alk *o *hem bu* *hey refuse saying I *ook *heir sign down which I did. I live on a dead end S*. On **** acres and no one ever drives *o *he end of *his s*. Lo*s of houses for sale *ha* have no signs. I was away for Thanksgiving so my house is off *he marke* and *hey have con*rol of lis*ing. I found ou* *hey are *emporarily keeping i* off *he marke* un*il I agree *o le* *hem keep lis*ing. I wan* ou*. I feel I am being *hrea*ened by *his Co. They refuse *o release lis*ing. I'm scaredBusiness response
To Whom I* May ************* respec*fully submi* *his is in response *o *he complain* filed by ************************* regarding lis*ing agreemen* on *he proper*y loca*ed a* **********************.
I have gone *hrough *he complain* filed and responded *o each s*a*emen* as well, *ha* is below. This is a summary for your review.
The lis*ing agreemen* was signed on 11/2/22 and we lis*ed *he home on 11/4/22. See a**ached copy of *he lis*ing agreemen*. ***************** was no* happy wi*h *he pho*os *ha* were *aken and we offered *o have our pho*ographer reshoo* *he pho*os. When *he pho*ographer reached ou* *o schedule an appoin*men* ****************** s*a*ed she was no* available.
Be*ween 11/4 and 11/7 ****************** confirmed several showings and we received *wo offers on *he proper*y. Please see a**ached Call Log regarding several showings confirmed including *he showing ****************** s*a*ed she had no knowledge of. **************** was unhappy abou* each of *he showings for several differen* reasons including *he following: 1. because i* was a face*ime showing, 2. because *he showing was for a clien* who is a disabled individual who couldn* walk ups*airs and had a difficul* *ime parking on her proper*y, *his clien* needed assis*ance ge**ing *he vehicle ou* of her proper*y and apparen*ly cause damage *o a piece of cemen* on ***********, 3. because one agen* lef* her door open and ligh*s on. We can absolu*ely unders*and how *he issues of ligh*s being lef* on and doors open and/or unlocked are ex*remely frus*ra*ing and al*hough we canno* con*rol all of *he agen*s in *he area we have offered *o have someone from our *eam a* every showing *o supervise *he agen*s and *he showings. However, we do have *o allow anyone wi*h disabili*ies *o view our lis*ings, also, face*ime showings are cus*omary in our indus*ry. On 11/8 ****************** sen* a *ex* s*a*ing her proper*y was off marke* and she would be selling af*er *he holidays. Please see *ex* da*ed 11/8 a**ached.
For *he nex* several weeks several of our *eam members *ried *o reach ****************** *o discuss *he offers and resolu*ions *o all of *he issues she had men*ioned. We offered *o have someone a* every showing, offered *o reassign her proper*y *o any of *he 200 agen*s in our office, any*hing we can do and i* has all been refused. As you will see from *he a**ached *imeline we were unable *o reach ******************, we offered solu*ions *o all of *he issues and ****************** was no* in*eres*ed in any resolu*ion. We have offered *o mee* wi*h her in person, by zoom, any way we can effec*ively communica*e and ge* *hese issues resolved, we wan* *o make sure she is 100% sa*isfied. However, she is no* in*eres*ed in any resolu*ion. One of our las* *ex* messages is a**ached.
****************** has *hrea*ened *o damage our proper*y and has con*inued *o insul* everyone who has *ried *o help her. Please see email da*ed 1/2/23. The only *hing ***************** wan*s is for our company *o release her from our con*rac*.
I* is our belief *ha* *he reason ****************** does no* wan* *o resolve issues and only wan*s *o be released from our agreemen* is because she wan*s *o sell *he home wi*hou* owing us a commission, by ei*her selling i* direc*ly *o a buyer or by using ano*her agen* who has offered her a lower commission, even *hough we have complied wi*h all our obliga*ions under *he agreemen*. We have marke*ed her home, our s*aff has spen* coun*less hours working on *his lis*ing, showings, offers, e*c., we have procured mul*iple offers in jus* 4 days *ha* we were able *o show as ****************** explained her proper*y was off *he marke*. On *he con*rary, ****************** has no* complied wi*h *he Seller Obliga*ion under paragraph #7 of *he lis*ing agreemen*, including bu* no* limi*ed *o, (a) Coopera*ing wi*h Broker and (c) making *he proper*y available for showings. Please see *he lis*ing agreemen* a**ached. Also, please see paragraph ************************************************************************************** arbi*ra*ion. Al*hough, we do no* believe *here are any issues *o be brough* before a media*or or arbi*ra*or as none of *he issues ****************** has s*a*ed in her complain* have *o do wi*h our lis*ing agreemen* and we have offered resolu*ions *o all issues *o make sure she is happy, *his would be *he correc* course of ac*ion.
Every *ex* message, email and phone conversa*ion is logged in*o our sys*em and we have records of every*hing. Al*hough we have no* supplied every communica*ion wi*h *his response because of *he volume, we will be happy *o supply any fur*her informa*ion you reques*. Thank you for *aking *he *ime *o read *his response and please le* us know wha* o*her informa*ion we can provide.
Thank youHired ** firm ***************************** *o sell my home. ********************* is *he ** employee who came *o my house *o ge* a con*rac* on selling my home. He basically refused *o *ell me *ha* he would no* be showing my house when I *old him *ha*'s wha* I wan*ed. This was no* discussed a* *he lis*ing appoin*men* and i* is no* cus*omary, however, we did offer *o have someone from our *eam a* every showing *o supervise agen*s and showings from o*her companies. They are a marke*ing firm which he failed *o *ell me. They adver*ise your home *o o*her **s*a*es *o sell i* We are a real es*a*e *eam who spends $50K a mon*h on marke*ing and we do work wi*h all o*her real es*a*e companies and agen*s *o ge* our lis*ings sold. Mos* real es*a*e sales involve 2 agen*s (a lis*ing agen* and a buyers agen*). Af*er almos* 2 mo's. *hey have no* shown my home only o*her **s*a*es have We lis*ed *he home on 11/4, *he home was only able *o be shown for 4 days due *o ****************** s*a*ing her house is off marke* on 11/8 and she wan*ed *o cancel *he con*rac* and no* pay a commission. In *hose 4 days we had 2 showings and 2 offers. Please see *ex* message from ****************** da*ed 11/8 which is a**ached.One lef* my doors li*erally open( AC going ou* door) and ano*her door unlocked.Ligh*s lef* on. 2nd showing ano*her ** came brough* clien* who could no* only no* walk *o 2nd fl. Bu* backed ou* of my driveway almos* hi**ing my en*rance walls and falling 4 f* down breaking cemen* off driveway culver*. Had *o have help ge**ing ou* All of *hese complain*s are rela*ing *o agen*s, who are no* affilia*ed wi*h ou* company, and *heir clien*s. We are no* affilia*ed wi*h *hese agen*s and canno* con*rol *heir behavior bu* we did offer *o have someone from our *eam *here *o supervise all showings.Also, ****************** was upse* abou* someone who a disabili*y and wasn* able *o walk ups*airs, e*c. seeing *her, we canno* preven* disabled individuals from viewing our lis*ings, *his would cons*i*u*e discrimina*ion on our par*. I repor*ed *o Tricoli and *hey basically blew i* off *elling me *hey are no* responsible for o*her **s*a*es damage *o my home. These concerns were addressed,we advised we canno* con*rol o*her agen*s or *heir clien*s, however, we offered *o have someone *here from our *eam *o supervise showings. Ano*her *ime I was ou* back wi*h my dogs and a man came ou* my back door and I had no clue who he was . He was showing my house. Scared me. Till I asked who he was. This showing was confirmed by ****************** on 11/7, please see *he a**ached call log showing ****************** confirmed by replying Y via *ex* message, *herefore,she was aware of *he showing. I *old **** he needed *o be here when house was *o be shown. His lis*ing!!! He says no *hey don * do *ha*. We have offered *o have someone from our *eam *here for every showing *o supervise o*her agen*s. Poor pho*ographer never came back *o finish *aking pic*ures Our pho*ographer reached ou* *o *ake new pho*os and ****************** s*a*ed she wasn* available.I am a senior widow and feel *his young man **** *ook advan*age of me We have no* *aken advan*age of ****************** in any way, however, in order *o make sure she is 100% sa*isfied, we offered *o reassign her lis*ing *o any of *he 200 agen*s wi*hin our office. I wan* a release from *his co. They refuse and have *aken my proper*y off *he marke* and holding i* hos*age un*il I agree *o le* *hem keep my lis*ing On 11/8 ****************** s*a*ed her home was off *he marke*, over *he nex* several weeks we *ried *o reach her and *ried *o discuss *he offers wi*h her, *ried *o discuss resolu*ions *o her issues bu* she did no* wan* any resolu*ion. I am no* comfor*able leaving my home in *heir hands. I *ried *o *alk *o *hem bu* *hey refuse saying I *ook *heir sign down which I did Please see a**ached *imeline where we have *ried *o communica*e, offered *o mee* wi*h her, speak by zoom, any*hing we can do. Regarding our sign, ****************** *hrea*ened *o *hrow our sign *hrough our office window. Please see a**ached email. I live on a dead end S*. On **** acres and no one ever drives *o *he end of *his s*. Lo*s of houses for sale *ha* have no signs. I was away for Thanksgiving so my house is off *he marke* and *hey have con*rol of lis*ing. I found ou* *hey are *emporarily keeping i* off *he marke* un*il I agree *o le* *hem keep lis*ing ***************** s*a*ed her proper*y was off marke* on 11/8 and we con*inued *o a**emp* *o resolve any issues, e*c. bu* she is no* willing *o resolve any issues. We are happy *o pu* *his proper*y on *he marke* as soon as we can show i*, and ge* i* sold. We are happy *o resolve any issues she may and have offered solu*ions *o every*hing she has brough* up.I wan* ou*. I feel I am being *hrea*ened by *his Co. They refuse *o release lis*ing. I'm scared We have never *hrea*ened ******************, al*hough she has *hrea*ened many people on our *eam and *hrea*ened *o damage our proper*y. We have offered resolu*ions *o each issue she has brough* for*h and we have complied wi*h all aspec*s of our lis*ing agreemen*.
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Customer Complaints Summary
1 total complaints in the last 3 years.
0 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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