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Job Listing Service
BM & DesignFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Job Listing Service.
Important information
- Additional Info:BBB was contacted by the owner of the website alleging BM & Design had taken their company's website and "made it their own." BBB asked BM & Design to respond to this specific allegation.
BM & Design did not respond to BBB.
BBB's role in the marketplace is to promote and foster ethical relationships between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation efforts. BBB is a not-for-profit organization that works with both BBB Accredited and non-accredited businesses to help build a stronger foundation for customer relationships and marketplace trust.
BBB received the following complaint regarding the marketplace practices of BM & Design: We would like to report fraudulent behavior. This company has taken our company website and made it their own. The only information that has been changed is the contact details. Our website URL is When looking at this against, you will see that they have copied all of our information.
BBB received the following submission in BBB's Scam Tracker regarding the marketplace practices of BM & Design: Got accepted for a "Quality Control Inspector" position supposedly affiliated with Amazon. I didn't get far in the process before a lot fo red flags started coming up (low quality phone interview, inconsistant company names, odd document formats for contracts, comapny not easily googled, BBB showed company as Not Rated, etc.). Didn't apply for this company, but applied for a Mail Assitant job under a different company on ziprecruiter which they sited as the source of my resume in the acceptance email. (Also just got notified of a job posting with the same exact description under another company on glassdoor). Caution: They will start by asking for public info, but will try to gather banking info during direct deposit setup. If you don't they won't push. However, others who have dealt with this same scenario say the scammers will follow-up with training or program costs of $2,400. If you agreed for your check by mail it'll mysteriously disappear or they'll ghost you once they get the training money.
BBB asked BM & Design to respond to the consumer complaint and to the allegations made by the consumer in BBB's Scam Tracker.
BM & Design did not respond to BBB.
Images found on BM & Design's website were found on several other company websites, including those of BM & Design's key employees.
So that BBB may provide the most accurate and transparent information on BM & Design to consumer inquiries, we sent our Standard Business Questionnaire for their completion and return.
Also requested were copies of any written agreements, contracts, literature, brochures and marketing materials used by BM & Design.
BM & Design did not respond to BBB's request for information.