Auto Repairs
Ultimate Automotive Service Center IncFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Auto Repairs.
Important information
- Advertising Review:
On December 7, 2023, the BBB contacted the company relative to its website advertisement that states, "TOP RANKED AUTO REPAIR SERVICE IN DES MOINES AND JOHNSTON, IA". According to the BBB Code of Advertising, Standard 28, superlative statements in advertisements about the tangible qualities and performance values of a product or service are objective claims for which the advertiser must possess substantiation as they can be based upon accepted standards or tests. As statements of fact, such claims, like "#1 in new car sales in the city," can be proved or disproved. The BBB requested the company supply substantiation regarding the statement, or, alternatively, to consider modification or discontinuing the use of this statement.
To date the BBB has not received a response to the advertisement review.