Business Profile
Fraternal Organization
Fraternal Order Of EaglesFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Fraternal Organization.
Important information
- Additional Info:This organization is tax-exempt as a domestic fraternal society and association operating under section 501(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not eligible to receive contributions deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.
The BBB develops a report on a firm based on inquiry or complaint activity. The BBB has not received a sufficient volume of requests for information, nor has the BBB received any complaints on this firm to warrant the development of a report. The information provided, however limited, is presented to assist you in your purchasing decisions or for any other purpose you deem relevant. The BBB suggests you read and understand organization promotional materials and contracts and check organization references and licensing, where applicable.
According to, this organization is not required to file an annual return with the IRS because its annual income was less than $25,000.