Parking Facilities
Shamrock Parking, LLCThis business is NOT BBB Accredited.
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I parked my car outside of *********** in ********* for approx 5minutes before getting a ticket from Shamrock Parking. There was no one around and there's no way to dispute this ticket. When I went to pay it online I don't see a fully functioning website. When I googled it I landed on a Reddit/Quora thread with people having experienced something similar. I need to resolve this issue with Shamrock parking but they don't seem like a legitimate business. And I don't want this to show up in my credit report just because I haven't paid it or will refuse to pay what I consider to be daylight robbery.Business response
If you read the violation on the parking notice, it tells you why you were issued the notice.
You parked your vehicle in a commercial pay lot and did not pay for parking. There is a 4-foot sign posted at the entrance to the parking lot as well as numerous signs posted throughout the parking lot informing you that you needed to pay for parking and what the terms and conditions are to park in the parking lot. If you don't want to pay to park, please park your vehicle somewhere else.
As far as our website is concerned, we don't know what you mean by a "fully functioning website". Our website is fully functioning and simple to go through.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I paid to park in a lot managed by Shamrock Parking and was ticketed regardless. I mailed in my dispute with evidence showing that I had in fact paid, and they still rejected my dispute. This company is a scam and based on the complaints here and on other sites, its clear they are predatory in nature. They ticket IMMEDIATELY upon entry into the lot, and in some cases, they have even ticketed people that are still in their car, while its running.Business response
Mr. ****** parked his vehicle in a pay lot, was late to dinner and left the parking lot without paying for parking. In fact, he didn't pay until some 20 minutes AFTER the parking notice had been issued and placed on his windshield. The signs posted in the parking lot state that payment must be made in advance. This means he needs to pay before leaving the parking lot.
It's amazing how we are a scam when people don't do what they are supposed to do.
Customer response
Complaint: 22415807
I am rejecting this response because:During the evening that I parked, there was a flat evening rate in effect, that began long before I parked. There was no hourly rate in effect. I was ticketed almost IMMEDIATELY after parking (as is the custom of this lot), which is why my payment occurred after the ticket was issued. Some of your customers have been ticketed WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR CAR. An 18 minute delay in parking should be within reason, when there is a flat rate, no loss in revenue, or harm done whatsoever. I paid the evening parking rate. Your business practices are predatory and unethical. I will not be paying your theft of a fine.
**** ******Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Sales and Advertising Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Predatory business practice. They ticket people who have paid, are sitting in their car for a few seconds but didnt pay fast enough, or who park for less than ****************************************** to pickup and support a local neighboring business. They are vile and despicable and they should not be enabled to function as they are allowed to today. In my specific case I had parked temporarily for less than 20seconds (literally) and received a ticket for $60 plus a $3 online convenience charge.Business response
Our signs are very specific. You parked your vehicle in a pay lot and did not pay to park. If you want to support a local business, you are welcome to park in our parking lot, you just need to pay. If you don't want to pay for parking, please park somewhere else.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Parked in a parking lot in ******* on 8/1/24 in the evening for 2 hours of dinner. Sign said $7.00 to park for the full evening. Scanned the ** code to pay to park, took me to the Park whiz app, which only allowed me to reserve a spot versus simply pay for parking. When I went through the steps to reserve, the default was 7 hours for $10.00 total, when I attempted to change the time to under three house, it remained at $10.00. While I fussed with the app for several minutes, I decided to simply pay the $10.00 and it then took me to a map to select my parking lot, the lot I was in, the lot where I scanned the ** code did not show up on the map. The closest lot was two blocks away, I was not able to pay for parking in this lot because the lot I was in did not show up in the app.I came back to my car within 2 hours, I had a ticket on my windshield for $60.00 for non-payment from Shamrock Parking LLC. The sign posted in the parking lot, where I scanned the ** code stated it was managed by Platinum Parking, not Shamrock. I did not pay it, because it was not Shamrock on the sign. I recently received a statement in the mail, with no date on the statement, just a past due notice of $80.00 for non-payment. It stated I could dispute it, but there was no phone number, no website or e-mail address, only a physical address where I could send a dispute via US Mail. I decided to research Shamrock Parking as I am not local to ******* and was only visiting and found they have fraudulently left parking violations on cars. I am willing to pay the $7.00 as posted in the parking lot, but will not pay more than this. Attached a screenshot of trying to reserve taken at 7:33 pm, the ticket was at 7:38 pm, apparently someone was waiting for me, o perhaps just could have helped because I know I looked clueless standing there trying to figure it out, which is when I took this screenshot for proof at a later date.Business response
Ms. ******* has us totally confused. Of the attachments she sent, they contradict everything she stated. A copy of the collection letter we sent, not only does it have our name on it, it also has our address and our telephone number on it. They are at the top of the letter. The very first thing on the letter!
The sign at the entrance to the parking lot also has our name, Shamrock Parking on it. No where does it say Platinum Parking. The sign also clearly states that evening parking from 5pm until 2am is $7.00 plus sales and parking taxes. Just because the app you pay on had two hours pre-selected on it does not mean you only have 3 hours. It's a pre-selected time the app has programed into it. (By the way, the app is provided by and paid to ParkWhiz. ParkWhiz is NOT Shamrock Parking. We use a third party to manage and provide that for us.)
A parking notice was issued to her vehicle because she did not pay for parking. If she decided not to pay for parking for any reason, she should have moved her vehicle and parked somewhere else.
Customer response
Complaint: 22328269
I am rejecting this response because:This response is exactly as I expected after having read multiple complaints on the BBB regarding Shamrock Parking. To lead with the statement that my attachments contradict everything I stated may have been instended to fluster me, instead it resembles a gotcha response, perhaps leaning towards slander. In fact, the only incorrect statement I made was not being able to find a phone number, which as pointed out, is on the ticket and I simply overlooked it. Nonetheless, the rest of this response is nonsense, which as previously stated is what I expected. I am not sure I understand the commentary about the ParkWhiz app, this is the app that is used with the ** code in this lot. As a reminder 1) I could only pay $10.58 or nothing as the app, which Shamrock states is not their issue, but it is if they are using this service for payment and 2) this lot did not show up when asked to select my lot to finalize the payment. I am not trying to get away without paying and will pay the amount I owe which is $7.00, plus the service fee. As I also pointed out, I was trying to book parking at 7:33 pm (per the screenshot) and the time of the ticket is 7:38 pm. If anyone is trying to get away with anything, it is Shamrock mysteriously waiting for their patrons to walk away frustrated because the app used to collect the parking fees does not function for this lot. Instead of fighting me, and others as they do with each complaint, I recommend Shamrock fix the situation by 1) confirming their patrons can select the amount of time they want to park for and 2) confirm ParkWhiz has all of your parking lots loaded correctly in the app, which they do not for this one in particular. The resolution I am seeking is to pay $7.00, plus the service fee.
Business response
We are sorry that you had a confusing experience, however nowhere on signs or the app is amount of $7.00 posted. The amount posted on our sign is $8.00 plus sales and parking taxes. (See attached picture of entrance sign.)
The parking notice was issued to your vehicle because payment was not made. If you did not want to pay the posted $8.00 plus sales and parking taxes, then you should have moved your vehicle and parked elsewhere.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Billing Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I recently received notice of failure to pay for parking violations dated 2 years back. I can't remember if I actually parked there on those dates and can't go back to my credit card statement to see if I paid any parking violations. If I do get parking violations I'm very prompt in paying the fee. If I did receive these 2 years ago I would have paid them immediately but now with them threatening to send me to collections I feel like I'm forced to pay these without any way to dispute them.I can't see how they can threaten to send me to collections for a mistake they made 2 years ago. Please let me know what recourse I have and not pay these.Business response
You were given 2 previous chances to dispute the notices from these letters we sent to you. The BBB forum is not the proper way to dispute your outstanding notices.
You can go online and view the pictures that our attendant took of your vehicle being parked in the parking lot. Each picture also displays the parking notice delivered to you on your windshield.
We also have notes on one of the notices that a male returned to the car, asked why the notice was there and when our attendant informed the driver that the parking lot is a pay lot and he didn't pay, the driver ripped up the parking notice.The parking lot your vehicle was parked in is a pay lot. There is a 4-foot sign posted at the entrance and numerous signs posted throughout the parking lot informing the driver the lot is a pay lot and informs them on how to pay for parking. It also details that non-payment may result in a parking notice being issued.
The bottom line is that unless you can provide proof that you did pay for parking, then the parking notices issued are valid and will remain and they will be sent to collections if not paid.
Customer response
Complaint: 22238429
I am rejecting this response because:
I don't agree that Shamrock parking can send out parking violations from 2 years ago. I understand that they have photos showing the vehicle and confirming the violation but they are making us prove that payment was made from two years past. They obviously have accounting issues and can't account for payment made two years ago. Shamrock could arbitrarily send these notices out and if people don't do their research, they could pay the violations again not knowing that could have paid them in the past. Shamrock shouldn't be allowed to just arbitrarily send past due violation notices and threaten to be sent to collections for violations more than 1 year old.
I was able to go back to my bank statements and found that these two violations were paid. I've attached a copy of my redacted statement. Please correct my account and remove these violations.
*************************;Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Hi, I mailed a letter but never got a response. Instead just got new mails threatening collections. I have proof that the parking ticket was incorrect, it was given after midnight where parking is free after 9 pm.Business response
We responded to ************ to let him know that we took care of the problem.Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
I received a ticket on 7/19/24 while parked at a restaurant parking spot (and I was eating at said restaurant). I received a ticket placed on my car (before 9pm, when the sign said paid parking started). An employee at the restaurant saw me with the ticket, took it over to the Shamrock Parking employee who was giving them out, and argued about it. The parking employee took the ticket back and said it was placed on the wrong car and to forget about it. So I never got the ticket back and was told everything was solved. Then I received a letter on 8/19/24 threatening to send me to collections for not paying the ticket. I have filed a dispute with the company (via handwritten letter, the only way theyll accept a dispute) but I have seen others experience similarly predatory behavior from this business and dont believe they should be in business any longer. I have also contacted the city attorneys office to discuss.Business response
Please provide us with your vehicle license plate number so that we can narrow it down to the notice you are referring to.
Also, we have yet to receive a letter from you regarding this incident.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Product Issues
- Status:
- Answered
This parking lot is predatory and continues to ticket despite having fully paid parking. In both instances I have proof of fully paid parking. Additionally, in the 2nd instance, the infraction date and photo show 2/17/24 however I was parked here on 2/16/24 (see provided proof of payment) not on the 17th and was home with my kid on the 17th, no where near this parking lot. Even despite the suspicious date mix up by this company - both times parking was paid in full with email receipts to prove. This business clearly has a bad reputation for issuing tickets that go against their own posted hours for the surrounding business as well as when patrons have paid parking. The business website provides no recourse for disputes or uploading proof of payment, the customer service number is never answered, and the voicemail box states they wont respond to any disputes over phone or email which I tried to call and speak to someone months ago when these tickets were issued. My recent mail notice (sent 6 months later, and have never received any calls back or correspondence prior) didn't even have instruction on how to dispute or provide proof, simply an envelope and a letter with a menacing "it would be in your best interest if payment is made immediately"I have attached screenshots and proof of payment, of more than 5 hours of remaining time left in the lot, email receipts, etc. I would like these infractions voided and any outstanding balanced removed. As well as to be able to warn others to stay away from any parking lots owned by this very sketchy company. As simple ****** search will show you just how many people in the city have been scammed by them over the years.Business response
Looks like you paid for parking for a vehicle with a license plate number of ******* yet the vehicle that was parked and issued the parking notices (both times) had a license plate number of *******. (We have pictures to prove this.) How is anyone expected to know that you paid for parking??? It is your responsibility to enter the correct license plate number for the car that you are driving and paying for parking with. We can't read your mind.
Secondly, we inform you on how to properly dispute your parking notice. You did nothing. You never disputed your parking notices until now. Now that we are sending you letters of collection.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Billing Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Hi, I am writing to dispute three incorrect parking charges from Shamrock. Notice #**********, #**********, #**********. These are incorrect and outside and post 7pm where parking is free. Please help with this dispute. Thanks,******Business response
This is not the proper way to dispute the notices. You need to do so in writing and mailed into our office.
Secondly, you need to provide proof showing that parking was free after 7pm as you stated. We can provide proof that you are not correct.
Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Resolved
Parked in a parking lot in *********. PAID for parking and received a ticket 6 minutes later.Business response
If you'd like for us to look into this and respond, please send in a written dispute, complete with all the information we need to respond, and we'll be happy to look into this.Customer response
Good morning,
I am awaiting resolution for this complaint. My dispute was mailed with documentation of payment, but it has cost me additional funds, which I will be following up about as well.
I would still like to make a complaint about Shamrock Parking as they show a habit of ticketing people after payment. It is a predatory company.
***************************Business response
We already responded to ********************** dispute. We asked her to publicly apologize for her comments. After all, it was ****************** that entered her license plate number incorrectly when she did pay for parking. Our attendant had no idea that the plate number she entered when she paid was the same plate number of the car that was parked in the parking lot since they were two totally different license plate numbers. It wasn't until she sent us a copy of her receipt from payment for parking that we caught the error. We have already informed her that the notice has been waived.
We don't expect ****************** will publicly apologize because she is an angry woman and she feels slighted. She thinks the worst of everyone. We feel sorry for her...
Customer response
Complaint: 22125777
I am rejecting this response because:I am shocked and dismayed to receive such an aggressively misogynistic response to my measured and logical complaint about my ticket. I have not received a response from the company, despite asking for one in writing and leaving a voicemail with my phone number, nor have I been asked to issue a public apology, not that I would give one.
I must insist that a written notification that my parking infraction, #**********, has been waived within 14 days of their receipt of my dispute. Shamrock Parking received my dispute, along with this information and request, on August 15, 2024.
It is clear from my experience and all others I've seen publicly posted that this company is not only predatory in their business practices but unethical in its dealings with customers. To move so swiftly to defamation without any sort of communication is, frankly, unacceptable. I expect that BBB and the ************************************ should investigate this company to the fullest extent.
***************************Customer response
I would like to close my complaint against shamrock parking, id #********.
They did respond in writing to waive the parking infraction, but after my last comment was submitted.
Please leave my last comment, however, a their response was wholly unacceptable.
Thank you,
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Customer Complaints Summary
73 total complaints in the last 3 years.
33 complaints closed in the last 12 months.
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